Before opening an account with us, we recommend that you read the legal documents related to the Vantage Trading entity you are registering.
Please note that legal documents will vary depending on which Vantage Trading entity your trading account belongs to and the applicable regulations. The legal documents that apply to your account will be clearly stated during the application process so please make sure you are familiar with them before opening. Some card transactions are processed by Vantage Prime Trading Limited.
Vantage Prime Trading Limited
St. Lucia Corporation Legal Documents
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Risk Disclosure Notice
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Client Agreement
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Privacy Policy
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Key Facts Summary
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Deposit and Withdrawal Policy
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Complaint Policy
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Vantage Prime Trading Limited Best Execution Policy